Family 5km Fun Walk

Family 5km Fun Walk

Sutcliffe Park

Sutcliffe Park, Eltham Rd, London SE9 5LW

Calendar 16th Jul 2023

Ickle Pickles are joining forces again with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital NICU team and NICU family and friends for another Fun Walk on Sunday 16th July at Sutcliffe Park. We are meeting outside the leisure centre at 11am. 

Please come along and join us and invite family, relatives, friends, colleagues, children and pets for a stroll around the park, chat and a picnic afterwards. Everyone is welcome.

To join, please donate a minimum of £5 (per adult). Help raise awareness and funds by asking your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you. 

We are raising funds to buy a Biliblanket to help treat jaundice for babies on the unit. Jaundice is a common condition that causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, affecting around 60% of newborns and 80% of babies born prematurely. Therefore, this piece of equipment is vital to the babies and the unit. 

Please support us in raising funds for the unit to buy this equipment. Every donation, however big or small, will make a big difference to these tiny babies. 

Ticket Price: £ 5

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