School raises over £2,300 for Ickle Pickles

School raises over £2,300 for Ickle Pickles

Cams Hill Secondary School donates two reclining chairs to Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth


Cams Hill Secondary School in Portchester donated 2,311.97 to Ickle Pickles for the  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth.

The school’s Endeavour House nominated the Ickle Pickles Children’s Charity as their house charity after their PE teacher Mr Gunner's baby boy Theo was born prematurely. Theo was cared for at Queen Alexandra Hospital. 

Thanks to Mr Gunners’ and the pupils’ dedication, Endeavour House organised a series of very successful fundraising activities such as non-uniform days and quiz nights.

The school supports several charities in line with their mission to ‘fundraise for charities which impact our local area'. In order to support their student’s efforts, for every pound raised, pupils also earn a house point.

Tiny babies need a lot of cuddles so Ickle Pickles will purchase two reclining chairs for Queen Alexandra’s Hospital NICU with the funds raised by Cams Hill School. A special reclining chair can impact the lives of thousands of premature babies and their parents. These chairs are great for skin-to-skin care and make bonding much easier. 

Queen Alexandra Hospital has four parent rooms and Ickle Pickles is currently fundraising for two further reclining chairs for parents to enjoy these important first cuddles with their premature or sick babies.

Keep up the good work Endeavour House and Cams Hill School! Thank you for helping your local neonatal unit provide the best levels of care. 

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