Great South Run 2023
Great South Run 2023
Great South Run 2023

Great South Run 2023

Ickle Pickles’ runners raise over £1600


Ickle Pickles’ three Great South Run challengers, Jessica Howard, Graham Fraser and Issie O’Caroll have raised £1661 for Queen Alexandra, Chichester and Southampton’s neonatal units for much-needed equipment. 

Jessica completed the run in memory of her preemie brother and said it was “very emotional but I’m very glad I’ve done it”.

All funds raised will help families and tiny babies, such as Graham's daughter Ayda-Rae. Ayda-Rae was born at 29 weeks and his family “experienced first-hand how vital Ickle Pickle’s work is - the amazing care she received at the NICU Queen Alexandra Hospital is something we are forever thankful for.” 

Our other runner, Issie, also has two very remarkable people in her life who both made it through an extremely rough and challenging journey into this world. They have now grown up to be an incredible young man who will be 18 this year and a beautiful, little princess who will soon be three years old. 

Thank you to all our runners for fundraising with Ickle Pickles.


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