Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital | Stadium Road, London, SE18 4QH | Woolwich

Our fundraising relationship with the unit in Woolwich began in 2018 and we continue to support the team there to increase the equipment they need.

The team are very active at fundraising and hold some great Bake Sales and Raffles with us onsite.

Current Appeal:

We have an ongoing Appeal running for the unit at Queen Elizabeth - aiming to meet their needs as they arise. Not always possible but we do our best!

Number of Cots: 16

Babies treated per annum: Up to 170

Level 2 Unit: Deliveries usually at 28 weeks gestation and above considered to be medium risk

Matron/ Sister: Julia Croft

Join us every other Wednesday for a cuppa and a chat at the neonatal unit of Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Everyone is welcome.

Please email [email protected] to confirm dates and times.

Ickle Pickles Fundraising Contact: Julie Voong


Current Appeal

Ongoing Fundraising

£7,597.00 £10,000.00
Want to get started?

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to discuss how we could raise funds for your NNU

contact ickle pickles

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