Get involved with the Ickle Pickles

The simple fact is that more and more babies than ever before require specialised care when they are born.

This is down to several factors including advances in treatment and technology leading to better care and improved survival for babies born extremely prematurely (as early as 22 or 23 weeks). There are an increased number of infants being successfully treated for complex problems, and more pre-term multiple births from the success of fertility treatments.

The increasing incidence of premature birth and the improving survival rates mean incredible strains are being placed on the budgets, infrastructure and equipment being used to treat them.

There's a lot to do and we need your help!

Learn more

Yes, you can be a NeoHero

Want to get involved but the thought of running a 10k sends shivers down your spine?  Then consider getting sized for an Ickle Pickles t-shirt and becoming a NeoHero!

NeoHeroes are typically parents or family members of children who have been treated in a neonatal unit and they are passionate about sharing their experience and positively impacting the unit that helped their child.  That could be raising money, running or attending a coffee morning or just letting people know how fantastic their local Neonatal Unit is.

Some units have a team of NeoHeroes and between them they contribute to the relationship between the charity and the clinical team at that unit.  Here's just some examples of what you might do as a NeoHero:

1 - Run a coffee / social morning for parents and children who have been treated at the neonatal unit

2 - Help to build a relationship with the clinical and nursing staff to determine what equipment is most urgently needed

3 - Manage a noticeboard within the neonatal unit that has info about the charity, fundraising events & volunteering opportunities

If being a NeoHero sounds like something you'd like to explore, please get in touch today.

I want to be a NeoHero

Get involved - Be a NeoHero

Tell us you'd like to volunteer

Ickle Pickles events are great fun and typically tickets sell out fast.  However to run our events smoothly we rely on the help of volunteers, who donate anything from an hour to a full day of their valuable time.

From welcoming guests to tidying up afterwards and everything in between, friendly volunteers really make a huge difference to the overall success of an event.

Volunteer as a NeoHero today and we'll keep in touch about the help we need.  There's no commitment, whether its an hour every year or a day every month is entirely up to you. Just send us your name, email address and the area where you live and we'll be in touch.


I can help

Get Involved - Register as a Volunteer

Nominate us as your charity

Your company will likely support one or more charities every year and they will typically change the charities they support on a regular basis.  There will probably be one person or a small committee who looks after this and you will be able to nominate a charity for consideration for next year.  

Why not nominate the Ickle Pickles?   We can provide information and collateral to support the nomination and can even attend meetings at your company if the selection committee would like to know more about the charity. 

Get in touch today and we'll help you in any way we can to nominate the Ickle Pickles to be your company's Charity of the Year.

Nominate the Ickle Pickles

Get involved - Charity of the Year

Become a friend of the charity

If you would just like to be kept informed of about Ickle Pickles news, then the best way is to become a friend of the charity.  This is as easy as giving us your email address and we will add you to our newsletter list.

Don't worry, we won't inundate you with emails, just a newsletter every few weeks with news, opinion and details of upcoming events that you might be interested in.

You can unsubscribe at any time, but we hope you'll like what we do and how we do it.

Become a friend of the charity

Get involved - Become a Friend of the charity

Set up a regular monthly donation

We are extrememly grateful for any donation we receive - even more so when that commitment is for a regular amount each month.

Small but regular donations really are the lifeblood of any charity and provide the regular income stream that means the charity can plan effectively and commit to larger and more impactful projects and initiatives. 

Regular donations are easy to set up via Enthuse - get started by clicking below and make a regular contribution to the treatment of small babies.

Set up a regular donation

Get involved - Set up a regular donation

Fundraise for your neonatal unit

Some parents, family members & friends want to get more involved and raise some money for the neonatal unit that treated their child or a child they know.  If this is you, then we're delighted that you would like to do this via the Ickle Pickles.

You could do anything from organising a cake bake, running 10k, sitting in a tub of beans or taking on a charity challenge like bungee jumping for sick babies or an adventure trek. If you request it, we will look to ringfence the funds you raise for the benefit of the neonatal unit you choose. If you are a UK resident & tax-payer, we'll maximise your donation by applying for gift aid which goes to help fund our costs. 

It’s easy to have fun, raise money, and give every newborn a chance!

Get together and take a look at our new simple and fun fundraising ideas or ideas for the office, challenge events or ideas for schools and nurseries.

You can find details of how we work with neonatal units and our fundraising policy here.

Get in touch with [email protected] today and you will receive fantastic support all the way.

Start Fundraising

Get involved - Fundraise for your neonatal unit

Take on a charity challenge and set up online fundraising

Making up your mind to raise some money is the hard part but getting a fundraising page set up couldn't be easier! 

We encourage you to use Enthuse or Just Giving. The great advantage is that these organisations collect Gift Aid on the monies you raise on our behalf.

Want to get started?

Get in touch today

We could raise funds for your NNU!

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Want to get started?

Yes, you can help!

Volunteer, fundraise or donate

More info here

Want to get started?

There's lots going on!

Come to an event or take a challenge

Just do it