Summer's story
Summer's story

Summer's story

QA Hospital, Portsmouth

Summer was born Wednesday 19th December 2018 at 11.44am weighing 4 pound 3 oz. I had major placenta praevia and had a planned c section booked for 17th January (at 37 weeks) as it was too dangerous for me to go into labour but I started bleeding a lot on 16th December, the bleeding stopped but started again and after losing nearly a litre in total over 3 days the decision was made to deliver her early at exactly 33 weeks via c section. We were over the moon to meet her early and what a lovely christmas present but she had to spend time in NICU as she was premature, however she progressed really well and we were able to take her home on new years day 2019. Since then she has thrived. She has developed really well and is now a healthy 1 year old. She was taking a few steps at 11 months and started walking on christmas day (less than a week after her 1st birthday). The photos below are the day she was born and her first birthday party

With regards to Summer's care; I have nothing but positive words to say about the NICU ward at QA Hopsital Portsmouth. Although I felt so sad leaving her there I knew she was in the safest of hands. The staff were amazing and we felt very supported. We are so thankful to them and Ickle Pickles charity for everything they do to support premature babies, especially our little Summer ❤


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