Take courage or comfort from these unique stories and consider sharing the story of your Ickle pickle for others to read.
Freya’s Story
Why I’m running the London Marathon for Ickle Pickles
Gabriel's Story
Croydon University Hospital
NICU isn’t just for premature babies
A Story for Full Term Awareness Month
Leon's Story
Winchester and Southampton Hospital
Harley’s Story
A Dad’s Story for Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month
Malik and Muna’s Story
A story for World Prematurity Day
Koby’s Story
A Story for Baby Loss Awareness Week
Clara’s Story
Whipps Cross Hospital
Max and Maude’s story
A story about baby loss
Honey’s Story
Hillingdon Hospital
Jaxon's story
Supporting babies in memory of Jaxon
Harry & Harley’s Story
A story for NICU Awareness Month
Fred’s Story
Whipps Cross Hospital
Grace’s story
Barnet Hospital
Amelia’s Story
Southampton and Worthing Hospital
Arlo’s Story
Queen Alexandra and Princess Anne Hospital
The Incubator
A story for National Storytelling Week
Advice from a NICU Dad
Laura’s Dad tells their story and shares his top NICU tips
Darla's Story
A Preeclampsia survival story
George and Oliver’s Story
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Austin’s story
Pregnancy with IUGR - restricting baby’s growth
Kiro's and RJ’s Story
A story about baby loss
Kayla’s Story
Croydon University Hospital
Bodhi's Story
University Hospital Lewisham
Jack & Harry's story
King's College Hospital, London
Jax's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Opal’s Story
University Hospital Lewisham
Poppy's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Charlotte's story
Portsmouth & Worthing
Charlie Marsh's story
The Ickle Pickle who started it all.
Franklin's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Oscar's story
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and Croydon University Hospital
Owen's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Lily-May's and Jakob's Story
Poole Hospital
Lacey & Poppy's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Enzo's Story
Croydon University Hospital and St Georges Hospital
Ben’s & James’ Story
Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester
Summer's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Bonnie's story
Pembury Hospital, Tunbridge Wells
Hope’s story
Supporting Ickle Pickles' Hampshire Incubator Ball
Annabelle's story
King's College Hospital, London
Emily's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Arlo's story
King's College Hospital, London
Rhys's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Henry's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Charlie's story
Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton
Poppy & Jessica's story
St. Richard's Hospital, Chichester
Ezra's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Ethan & Isaac's story
Petersfield Hospital
Remy's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Jim's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Riley's story
King's College Hospital, London
Harry's Story
Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton
Jaxson's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Caleb & River's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Freddie's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Sebastian's story
QA Hospital, Portsmouth
Richard - a Grandpa's perspective
King's College Hospital, London
London Incubator Ball raises record-breaking amount for premature and sick babies
Charity Ball a roaring success