Croydon University Hospital

Croydon University Hospital | 530 London Rd, Croydon CR7 7YE | Greater London

Croydon University Hospital

We have been working with the team at Croydon since 2019 and their super enthusiastic team are continually fundraising and participating in events to support their unit.

We have purchased items ranging from milk warmers to privacy screens for breastfeeding to sound ears for noise regulation and reclining chairs for kangaroo care cuddles – the list goes on!

We are delighted to be working with the wonderful & dedicated Neonatal team at Croydon University hospital and would encourage anyone interested in raising funds through us for this neonatal unit to get in touch and discuss how you can get involved - the feeling of having made a tangible difference is simply incredible and very rewarding!

Current Appeals:

The clinical team have requested 7 of the latest reclining chair designs know as the Mauro. They are super comfy and portable so are highly desired by the neonatal units and parents for obvious reasons....they allow parents to have critical skin to skin time with their new babies, helping to accelerate bonding, calming and milk production.

Level 2 Unit: Deliveries usually at 28 weeks gestation and above considered to be medium risk

Number of cots: 22

Babies treated per annum: Up to 415

Matron/ Sister: Christie Hanson

Join our trained Peer Support Group once a month for a cuppa and a chat.

We alternate Mondays and Tuesdays each month to provide both emotional and practical NICU support.

Please email [email protected] to confirm this month's date and time. We hope to see you at Croydon Hospital at our next Coffee Morning!

Ickle Pickles Fundraising Contact: Julie Voong

Get in touch with Julie today via email at:   [email protected]



Current Appeal

Kangaroo care chairs

£3,051.00 £17,500.00

Current Appeal


£2,060.00 £2,060.00
Want to get started?

Get in touch today

to discuss how we could raise funds for your NNU

contact ickle pickles

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